Nowadays cleaning the tile with chemical agents may cause irritation to your floor. The chemicals found in the solution may cause damage or itching to your hands. So, for your safety case using nonchemical agents to clean the tile is the best efficient way. keeping your floor as sparkling clean with the help of homemade chemical free method is one of the interesting facts.
The natural solution for cleaning the tiles are easily prepared by your own with the help of Quick Cleaning Services
Main ingredients for chemical free agents
- White vinegar
- Baking soda
- Citrus peels
- Peppermint oils
- Toothpaste
- Water
- Mopping / bucket
- Scrubbing pad
Method 1: with Baking soda
Sodium bicarbonate is known as baking soda mostly used in various homemade health hacks and cleaning tricks.
- Take a small amount of baking soda in a bowl
- Mix with 5 – 10 drops of vinegar and make this into a fine paste
- Now rub the spotted place with baking soda paste
- Allow the paste to sit for 5 – 10 minutes
- Mop the tile and let it to dry
Method 2 : white vinegar
White vinegar deals with dirt in kitchen tiles soap water deposit in bathroom wall and floors. White vinegar is harmless for ceramic stones and it laminates the tiles to looks sparkling and shines
- Mix one cup of white vinegar into a bucket of water.
- Soak a sponge in the solution
- Now scrub the wall and floor tile with the sponge
- For high affected area directly pour the vinegar into a sponge and wipe over the tiles
- Now mob the entire floor with water and vinegar solution and let it sit for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Rinse off the tile and again mop the floor with clean water to rise away from the solution
Method 3 : Citrus peels

Citrus peels like orange and lemon help to remove heavy dirt rested on tiles. Long term dirt and rusts also easily handled with the help of citrus solutions
- Mix the small amount of citrus solution and water
- Take the mixture in a spray bottle
- Gently spray the solution in the affected area and leave it to 5 to 10 minutes
- Now with the help of a damp cloth wipe the solution
- Mop the area with normal water and let the floor to dry
Method 4 : pepper mint oils

Pepper mint oil helps to keep away the gems and insects from kitchen and living area and also gives you a fresh smell after mopping
- Mix pepper mint essential oil with white vinegar
- After sweeping the tile and flooring take a sponge and dip in the solution and apply gently in affected area
- Gently wipe out the solution
- If you need to add additional perfumes you can go for lavender essential oils.
Method 5 : Toothpaste
Toothpaste also helps to remove the dirt from the tile instantly
- Apply some toothpaste with the help of a scrub
- Leave it for half-day and rinse off
- It gives crystal clear look to your floor